Have you ever felt hopeless? Are you worn down and burned out ? Are you struggling to pull your socks up? Do you spend more time caressing phone screens than your lovers? Do you long for real, meaningful connection? Are you sick to your stomach? Are you consumed by dread? Are you unable to shake the feeling that we are teetering on the brink of doom? Do you obsess over images of our impending environmental and social collapse? Do you despair? Are you lost ?
Children of the gloom, you are not alone. Take our hands and join us as we dance to the event horizon and ascend into interstellar bliss. Together we will prepare to gaze deep into the portal and ask for the courage to walk through the dark ening days.
The portal is understanding. The portal is acceptance. The portal is instant release. Absolute enlightenment guaranteed.
As daylight and darkness fairly take and fairly give, so must we. Half looking glass, half harbinger, we give life to our ritual with a tipsy promenade by shuddering lamplight. Weare swollen with pomp, the quivering of hips sow lilies in the livers of men.
Enter the adytum to commence the ritual on the last of summer’s full moons. As day and night come to equal measure, we attune to the turning of the seasons. We begin the charge, particle by particle, and in the absence of light we will make first contact with the dimension beyond. Basking in this vision you will behold the portal.
Assume a state of unreason and join
the frenzy of the bacchantes, granted the sublime reality of your being. Cross the threshold of the etheric to spill wine and revel in cosmic vibration.
Merry shall we meet, merry shall we part and merry shall we meet again.
As adopted by LOVERBOY on 20 September 2021, to be observed in the hours preceding the rite of PORTAL.
1. Abstain from sex for at least twelve hours
2. Do not sleep during this time
3. Gather up your emotional baggage as an offering to the portal
4. Speak to no one in the hour immediately preceding the rite
5. Bathe thoroughly, pomade and powder yourself liberally – the portal demands good astral hygiene
6. Don your ritual gaudery, come grandiose or unornamented but beware etheric residue lingering on everyday garb
Approved attire includes the following:
Ceremonial garb, suede shoes, monocles, cowls, cheap wigs, shirts unbuttoned to the navel, handkerchiefs, studs, tunics, shrouds, overplucked eyebrows, body paint, green or lavender garments, wing collars, work boots, cocked hats, sleeveless undershirts, earrings, gowns, peroxide blonde hair, stars painted upon the brow, mantles, red neckties, tin foil bonnets, fresh blooms, heavy jewellery, sashes, sleeves rolled up to the armpits, black leather, high drag, scents of jasmine, camphor and frankincense.
Date 22.09.2021
Location: Nightclub Electrowerkz, East London
Words by: Fanella Hitchcock